Monday, April 4, 2011

Getting the Word Out!

Now that the book is due for release in less than a month.  I am working on building that awareness that it is coming out.  I have been  researching opportunities to build the awareness.  One method I am using is  Its a wonderful site of avid readers and authors.  I am participating in a free book giveaway to build awareness and hopefully generate some additional reviews and recommendations.   I am in process of providing a review book to  This site is a teen/young adult site that provides reviews and recommendations to its membership.  I feel like this book fits well with this audience and I hope the reviewer(s) enjoy the book.  I am still working on finalizing the website ideas.  I have strong idea of what I want it to be like but trying to find someone to build it within a budget that works.
For all the fans, the book is available on now and it just started showing up on Barnes and as a pre-order.
Additionally, I just started the process of the book trailer with the publisher so within the next 3 weeks or so we should have a book trailer for everyone to see!
If you wish to receive a limited addition hardback of the book, send me a email at and I will tell you how.
Peace!  TR