Thursday, October 13, 2011

Facebook / Ads

Today, the NEW facebook fan page is finished!  Looks really good.  I had been wanting to get a website looking fan page for awhile and finally I found a website that made it easy.  If you want to create a fan page and make it pop check out  So easy to do yourself and it was free!  That's right free!  So cool. They have pay for services as well that give even more functionality but for what I needed to start with the free service was perfect fit!  Check out my page:  Steve Trek Adventures  If your not a fan of the page you should land on "The Adventure Begins Here" tab, if you are a fan and land on the wall tab, simply click on the correct tab in the left pane.  Again, if you need help creating fan page.  Its terrific!

Ok so today I started my first Facebook ad campaign as well.  If your a facebook user keep an eye out for it.  I'm trying it as a test to see if it will actually drive new likes to the fan page and ultimately new book sales.  Wish me luck.

Next step, update the website. 



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New FaceBook Page!

Created a new Facebook fan page today!  Well not new but a new and improved welcome tab.  If you need to create a tab, let me recommend  Its an incredibly easy to use tool to create fabulous tabs on fan pages.  Best of all....Its FREE!  I will be tweaking it some more over the next few days to get it just right, but wow so much better.  Check it out: STEVE TREK FAN PAGE

I'm working on book two.  This time around I plan on self publishing versus using the publisher of book one.  I think having more control over pricing and ensuring immediate kindle availability is more important.  It was a good experience with Tate Publishing but I don't think they really help on selling the books at all.  That 100% up to the author.

I will post a chapter in the near future of book 2!
